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Not all of my published works are available online. Here are some links to the ones that are, as well as ways to find the ones that aren't...

Short Fiction: "Nature"

This short story was winner of the 5th annual Fiction Prize from the literary journal bosque. It was also shortlisted for the 2015 Tobias Wolff Fiction Award from the Bellingham Review and the Lorian Hemingway Short Story Prize. The story grew out of a dim memory of a desert walk with my father when I was eight. Because we weren't an outdoorsy family, I've always wondered why we were out there. When I discovered no one else in the family knew either, I decided to write about it, starting with only a situation and an image: a skull. That question -- why -- turned out to be key. Once I discovered the answer for my characters, the story came to life.


Click here for an excerpt

Purchase back issues here


Short Fiction: "The Tracks"

This short story was Narrative magazine's 2013 Winter Fiction Contest winner. A young girl who fears losing her mother to the new baby slips away only to find that nothing in her safe, suburban world is as she imagined. 

The full issue is available online here.

Railway Tracks

Editorial & Ghostwriting

As a longtime contributing editor to both American Salon, and Beauty Launchpad, I had an intriguing mandate: write B@B copy that reads like a consumer magazine. While the magazines dealt with the business of beauty, they were also about trends, fashion and glamour, and the text needed to sparkle. In addition to countless salon spotlights, business trend reports and product-related advertorial, I was also fortunate enough to contribute two rare personal essays about the beauty experience from inside the chair:

"An American in Paris" click here

"The Kindest Cut" click here

While non-disclosure agreements prevent me from identifying most of my work in the field of ghostwriting, I can include these articles ghostwritten for Kerry Blessing, then owner and CEO of San Francisco Stereo. This series of articles, for Builder Architect magazine, targeted Bay Area builders looking for subcontractors for large home theater and automation projects, and positioned SF Stereo as leaders in that field. One mark of a good ghostwriting is the ability to switch up style and voice to reflect the name author. When Kerry's business partner read the copy, he was surprised to hear I'd written it, saying to her, "But it sounds like you!"

"CES Report" click here

"Dynasty Building" click here

Fire Watch

Originally appearing in Ginosko Literary Journal issue 5, this story was also chosen for Ginokso's second Anthology. 

Read the full version online here.

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